Archive | February, 2018

Falacious visions are exposed

28 Feb

Falacious visions are exposed.

Elements of materials change to the Cosmics.

Frescoes appear to hu-beings.

Freedoms are embraced.

Harmonics are uplifted for all to view

22 Feb

Harmonics are uplifted for all to view.

Portentions of dark sights have closed and no longer apply.

Higher Sighted Ones give credence to the Guides.

Clarifications are finished.

Time to see for One’s Self.

Time to rest with the planet and enjoy her recreation

16 Feb

Time to rest with the planet and enjoy her recreation.

Efforts of elimination are completing.

Elements of truth abound.

Participations are warranted as Gaia Spirits guide.

Florescents are plentiful.

Love the show.

Primary Light Stations Complete the Process

11 Feb

Primary Light stations complete the process.

Favorites are eliminated.

Shadow violators are eliminated.

The Light Worker Alliance commences the new works.

Elementals of the Higher Earth are Established

5 Feb

Elementals of the Higher Earth are established.

Salients of the Harmonics come into view.

Metals are calmed.

Celebratories are given.

Message from ÉirePort Alliance… 2-2-18

2 Feb

ÉirePort Alliance (formerly ÉirePort Group) has expanded in scope since the beginning of the GaiaPortal blog operations.

Recent upleveling of Planetary Consciousness frequency has enabled the formation of a wider Alliance formed among several Galactic entities that are working to free the planet called “Earth”, as well as other planets, in the so-called “Sol System”.

This multi-Galactic “ÉirePort Alliance” joins with the multi-dimensional “Earth Alliance” to finalize freedom protocols to be used during the next several weeks, months, years, and beyond.

Initial short-term protocols are now in full operation upon planet Earth.

Anticipate massive changes and please assist where called.

Thank you, ÉirePort Alliance

(please note that advertisements have been permanently removed from the GaiaPortal site)

Heavens open to the minions of the lower realms

1 Feb

Heavens open to the minions of the lower realms.

Minds are released.

Recognitions come quickly.

Paradigms of the minors are changed and elevated.

Holy realms are Illuminated fully.