Archive | January, 2014

GaiaPortal Has Served its Purpose…

14 Jan

gaia_energy1We at ÉirePort group have noted the vastly increased Galactic awareness during the period of the GaiaPortal blog portal.

At this point, both hu-manity and Hue-manity components of Gaia consciousness Energy structure have achieved sufficient levels that it is an appropriate moment to close this GaiaPortal blog portal.

We remind all that the “Inner Guidance” is all that is necessary to connect with Gaia, and Higher Cosmics.

We encourage each and all to follow such.

Thank you for your service to this Planet.

We honor each and all.

ÉirePort Group

Stratum of Higher Gaia Light now covers the planet

12 Jan

gaia_energy1Stratum of Higher Gaia Light now covers the planet and the consciousness of all inhabitants.

Such encompasses all levels of Gaia expression, and allows no “escape” from the uplifting effects.

Those of humanity which have held the so-called “dark” contrast, are encouraged by this Higher Vibration to release those rôles, and rise with the rest of Hue-manity.

As always,  resistance to the increasing vibrations “is futile”.

Those noting the blue images have seen the next Higher Stage of Gaia.

“Sense of Floating” may be used to describe the New Gaia Energetics

10 Jan

gaia_energy1Refined vibrations are now apparent to many of Gaia inhabitants.

Clarification of Gaia energetics during the prior so-named “annual” period has permitted Higher Cosmics to align with such.*

A “Sense of Floating” may be used to describe the New Gaia Energetics.

Higher Cosmic Alignments are progressing at this time, and increase in Gaia vibrationals continues.

[*ÉirePort note: the words “align with such” appears to imply alignment of Cosmic energies (Higher Cosmics) with both “Gaia Energetics” as well as “Gaia inhabitants”.]

Consciousness “star bursts” occur within large groups of hu-manity at this moment

4 Jan

gaia_energy1Consciousness “star bursts” occur within large groups of hu-manity at this moment.

Such bursts result from massive up shifts in awareness, at various dimensional levels.

Movements of all types on all levels occur as the Star-Bursting continues.

Inner Stars awaken.

Alignment with Higher D “Blue Earth Star” harmonics is recommended for Hue-Beings at this moment

2 Jan

gaia_energy1Terrestrial concepts from prior paradigms are now dissolved and will not hold those attempting to attach to such.

This includes such arenas as “environmental care”, oceanographics, planetary species “saving”, “dangers to the environment”… and many others.

Current supported paradigm includes all dimensional levels of existence and thus, former 3D-only oriented paradigms are not useful, nor results-yielding.

Energy harvesting from such 3D-only oriented paradigms is complete, and has served its purpose.

Higher D “Blue Earth Star” harmonics resonate only with those aligned to such.

Fissures in old paradigm concepts will not allow adherence.

Alignment with Higher D “Blue Earth Star” harmonics is recommended for Hue-Beings at this moment.