Archive | August, 2012

Final Balancing of Gaia Energies in Process…

31 Aug

Requisite balancing of all aspects of Gaia planetary energies is being conducted. Balancing of 3D tectonics, electrics, magnetic, and radionics is in process, prior to general human consciousness rapid-shift.

This balancing occurs in alignment with individual Hue-man unit balancing. Resistance is not at all effective in counteracting, as balancings are occurring on a Galactic scale.

Outer effects will be noticed, but relatively minor, and measured. Those desiring grand apocalypse are seeing such. Those desiring grand cataclysmic apocalypse and massive conflicts in Gaia energies and groups will not see such.

Paradigms Not Aligned to Higher Energies Have Dissolved

31 Aug

Efforts to slow the advance of Higher Energies have been discovered and neutralized. However, all such efforts are by the nature of their intent bound to fail. We encourage all to release fear about coming and or already occurring changes. Grids which have been constructed during the past months are enabling only incoming Higher Energies to infold throughout the planet via Gaia portals.

Flame-appearing balls of energy may be visible to some. These are Lighting up shadow places and burning all dross, both within and without. Conscious partnership is desired, not required. Non-conscious participants will experience higher inner turmoil factors.

All non-aligned-to-Higher-Energies paradigms have dissolved. Completely. Play-outs of such occur only in individual minds, not in Gaia planetary consciousness.

Connections to portal locations are being completed

28 Aug

Connections to portal locations throughout Gaia are being completed for the 9-9-12 event. Such as those who are aligned with Gaia are being opened, in a sense, to receive and transmit the Higher Energies through, and into the planet.

Those selected for the 9-9-12 in a physical and possibly “traveling” sense, know exactly their role, although instructions come moment by moment. We convey to you that these Hue-people are to be honored and supported by the Higher Realms in all they need to do.

Preparation for the upcoming Grand Event are ongoing. The 9-9 is one step in the leading up to the 12-12 to 12-21 Ascension window. 9-9, 10-10, 11-11, 12-12, are exponential increases in Cosmic-consciousness and Cosmic-awareness.

This planet is that Being of Light spoken of in the so-named Holy Books. And she is progressing on schedule, into becoming fully the Light Being that she is.

Gaia is grateful for all participants at this time.

Ascension Platform Established…

26 Aug

Three platforms have been connected and reconfigured to enable the complete Ascension Platform for Gaia. These platforms are 1) Inner Earth awakening, 2) sufficiently stable 3D-4D Earth platform, 3) Higher Consciousness Awakened Humanity.

Although some question the necessity of 1), this awakening to their Higher Call was essential to the finalization of the Ascension Platform for Gaia.

Stable 3D-4D platform, namely, planet 3D structure, undermined for millennia, has been sufficiently stabilized for the next steps to the final Ascension Platform.

Higher Consciousness Awakened Humanity is now complete. Sufficient individual awakened beings now present upon Gaia 3D surface to proceed with final steps.

These steps are to be unveiled in precise order, in precise timing with each of the Light Working Community which has been called to participate. They know who they are.

They will succeed. As Gaia has decreed.

Collaboration of Gaia Light groups at All Time High

23 Aug

Summary in process. Collaboration of Gaia Light groups is at a height never attained upon the planet until this now moment.

Individual Hue-mans are receiving their collective assignments at this time, as they operate from a place of joy and inner passion for their 3D surface level missions.

Illusions about the intellect power are dissolved for these Light Ones as they operate not from such illusory foundations.

Light collaboration now comes freely to all of these, and even so-called non-awakened ones are hearing and heeding the call of a Higher Light source.

There is nothing remaining to prepare. There is nothing remaining to install. All paradigms align with the Higher Paradigm where all are traveling their Light path.

No turning back. Be in Peace on this journey.

Gaia and Hue-manity Optics Upgrades in Process

19 Aug

[Updated… see below] Higher dimensional energetic constructs becoming visible to all. Higher dimensional optics are being inserted into all relevant Gaia grids.

Gaia herself becoming 5th Dimensional beingness requires 3D to 5D optics upgrade. This is in process and will continue through and beyond the 12-21-12 gateway.

Hue-manity optics upgrades parallel Gaia planetary upgrades. Those experiencing vision “abnormalities” (blurred, out of focus vision, colored sprites moving through visual screen) are presently “in the norm” for Hue-manity-in-Ascension beings.

[Update… Initial presentation of this data appeared as needles inserting all over the surface of Gaia. These are energetic conduction needles. At the top of each needle appeared an eye, representing the Higher dimensional optics being inserted.]

Portals of Higher Consciousness Opened Fully…

17 Aug

The necessary grid structures are aligned for supporting the energy frameworks of Higher Consciousness portals. This may seem somewhat esoteric to many, however at this stage the sequence of openings is designed with precision and in connection with Higher Consciousness, namely Higher Dimensional, constructs, with intention of awakening for all Hue-mans.

The full opening of all Higher Consciousness intent-ed portals is key to the Ascension of Gaia as a whole. She has awaited this moment since the fall of humanity from Higher Consciousness awareness. Light from within Gaia is ascending and will reach maximum levels at the 12-12-12 gateway, and subsequently maintained throughout the Ascension process.

Those feeling the Ascension symptoms of light-headedness, fuzzy vision, blurred vision, tingly skin and/or extremities, gazing into space, are aligned with these Higher Consciousness portals’ energy. There is nothing ab-normal about this, for those whose intent is Ascension with Gaia. This has been anticipated by Higher Guides, who may be called upon for assistance at any moment needed.

As required, sleep or naps may ameliorate such symptoms, and it is recommended to rest as much as needed to allow the continuous Higher Energies to in-stream through all multi-D bodies.

All Necessary Grids for the Manifestation of Gaia Nueva are in Place…

14 Aug

There are documents which may only be accessed via Higher Mind constructs, and eyes that see beyond the seen. These are documents of the New Earth, Gaia Nueva. En este momento, todas las personas tienen acceso a este. (At this moment, all people are accessing this). They may not yet possess full access, but it is building.

Gaia Nueva comes now. Gaia Nueva is already born. Gaia Nueva is being experienced by every single person on Planet at this time.

Grids which have harnessed the dark, are no longer. They are not needed anymore.

All necessary grids for the manifestation of Gaia Nueva are in place.

Patience is valued. High Vision is essential.

Synchronization of Gaia Portals and Galactic Stargates Commences

12 Aug

Galactic Stargates requisite for ascending species of Gaia commence process of synchronization with Gaia time portals. All necessary adjustments to be finished prior to the 8-20.

Vast releases may be expected internally and externally from the viewpoint of individual ascendants. These will be intense, yet rapid.

Astrophysical anomalies manifest as synchronizations occur with Star Craft traveling via Gaiaportal stargates.

All permissions have been granted for full synchronization process.

Harmonizations Complete… Machines Constructs Dissolving

10 Aug

Requisite harmonization of all anharmonics in 3-5D is complete, as all negatively directed vectors have been reversed. Duality paradigm illusion is finished, as consciousness levels have increased exponentially during the 8-8-12 gate.

Mechanical operators (machines) are quickly dissolved into the Violet Ray. Those groups of machines now consume each other, as no other food is available.

All Light-aligned beings come together as barriers have been released.

Full planetary awakening follows.

Anharmonic Energies Being Isolated and Dissolved…

2 Aug

Errant energies that are anharmonic with current 4D-5D grids are being detected, exposed, and dissolved. Disruptions to energetic Ascension pathways will not be permitted. Major visible energetic uplifts will manifest in the 3D world-illusion in a short time.