Smoothing and Harmonizing of Incoming Higher Vibrationals Now Occurs…

30 Sep

gaia_energy1Smoothing and harmonizing of incoming Higher Vibrationals now occurs to minimize local energetic disruptions and responses.

Hue-Beings as well as hu-beings perceive this as a “resting mode”, although overall Gaia vibrationals increase continues.

Reference to “peaks” is always related to a temporal issue, and not related to a “finality”.*

Assertion of Higher D Individuality continues, as all connection among Gaia Beings is assured.

“Resting mode” allows further joining of so-named “shadow seekers”.**

Cosmic Alignments will shortly allow for so-called “mass” movement of Hue-Beings.

* [ÈirePort note: reference to this post.]

** [ÈirePort note: reference to this post.]

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